Our Commitment
Dr. Cabrita and Dr. Chin are chiropractors dedicated to providing competent, safe, and affordable chiropractic and rehabilitative care that provides clients with timely results.
Count on Drs. Cabrita and Chin to effectively diagnose problems, develop appropriate treatment plans, and offer easy-to-follow tips for pain/injury prevention. As client-centered practitioners, Dr. Cabrita and Dr. Chin want you to experience a pain free lifestyle now.
About a Chiropractor in Victoria

Dr. Jack Chin
Dr. Chin graduated from Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) in 1989 with distinction in nutrition. He is certified in strength and conditioning by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and has trained with several world-class lifters. He has even competed in power lifting provincially.
Dr. Chin has given a number of sports and nutritional seminars and has also instructed personal trainers. Along with this, he has worked for the Commonwealth Games as a provider.
Dr. Chin is a strong advocate of sound nutrition and the promotion of physical exercise, and he stresses the importance of building solid nutritional and recreational foundations from an early age.
Dr. Chin has completed two phases of the performance mentorship program at the World Athletics Center in Phoenix, Arizona. The program is mentored by Dan Pfaff, Andreas Behm and Stuart McMillan. They are among the world’s best coaches and account for over 30 Olympic medals.
World Athletics Center is an elite training facility that caters to the best track and field athletes from around the world. Some of the subjects covered were:
Acceleration mechanics
Performance therapy
Strength and power
Methodology and systems
Program design and nutrition
World Athletics Center, now renamed Altis is home to Andre DeGrasse (Silver in the 200M, Bronze in the 100M, Bronze in the 100M relay) and Akeem Hayes (Bronze in the 100M relays at Rio).
Dr. Chin had the privilege of hands-on instruction from DeGrasse's coach, Stu McMillan and Seattle Seahawks` Chiropractor Dr. Ramogida.
Competing at the 2018 Vancouver Island Powerlifting Championships, Dr. Chin set a new BC deadlift record in the 93kg/Masters3 class at 230kg/507 lbs.

Dr. Anna Cabrita
Dr. Cabrita graduated in 1990 from Canadian
Memorial Chiropractic College and completed the personal trainers course from the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
Since graduating she has been
a chiropractor in Victoria, B.C. – her hometown – treating patients from pediatrics to geriatrics, general
practice to sports injuries, as well as educating patients with proper diet and exercise. Dr. Cabrita's goal is to
establish and promote a healthy and active lifestyle.
Her own active lifestyle includes running a small farm that boards horses, growing veggies, and producing organic free range eggs.