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Maximize Your Sports Performance

Optimize your sports performance through a nutrition and workout assessment from us. Through diet manipulation and timing, ensure that you maximize your gains spent training. Make the most of your time in the gym with a proper workout design whether for sport specific or fitness training.

We draw from years of training, competing (power lifting), and by keeping current on the latest research from peer reviewed sources such as the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. We do not fall victim to the latest nutrition or workout fades based on worthless junk science from the gym guru.

From football, golf, MMA, and hockey to track and field, maximize your potential for success.

A subject that I am passionate about and, at the same time, drives me to my wit`s end is sports nutrition. There seems to be an abundance of bad to ridiculous nutritional advice from often self-proclaimed experts and self-promoters alike. Just recently, a newspaper nutritional columnist advised that athletes can meet their required protein needs from their diet and that, therefore, supplementation is not required. This is advice that I don’t fully agree with.

Protein: Key for Injury Repair, Muscle Growth & Workout Recovery

Proteins are one of the most abundant compounds in the body. Cell function, immune system function, and structural components such as skin, hair, nails, and muscles are just a few of the body’s roles that are dependent on protein. An athlete, whether a weekend warrior or one working out at an elite level, places greater demands on his or her protein intake for injury repair, muscle growth, and for workout recovery. Optimum protein requirements are dependent on the type of sport(s) engaged in and individual requirements such as weight gain or maintenance of bodyweight.

Optimal Levels of Protein Consumption for Endurance Athletes

Opinions in scientific literature vary in regard to the optimum amount of protein per activity, but, in general, endurance athletes require 1.2-1.4 grams per kilogram of bodyweight, with 2.0-2.5 grams per kilogram required when engaging in intense training. In my practise, I often find endurance athletes, in particular females, consume suboptimal levels of protein. They have intense workouts but experience poor results due to an emphasis on consuming too many carbs and not enough of protein. If you don’t feed the body the necessary nutrition for muscle repair, the full effect of the workout is wasted, regardless of the intensity. There seems to be a myth that only bodybuilders, and not endurance athletes, require protein.

More Protein Isn’t Necessarily Better

Conversely, some of the bodybuilding crowd that use the mantra “more is better” take in too much protein. Protein, unlike carbohydrates, cannot be stored in large amounts. Excess protein is converted into fat and then stored in cells. Therefore, protein should be consumed throughout the day in small meals. Foods such as canned tuna, cottage cheese, yogurt, almonds, chicken breasts, eggs, lean beef (not ground), and, of course, protein shakes are great sources of lean protein. Try to have a portion of protein at every meal. Don't get me started on not mixing carbs with protein. If you are serious about optimum health and athletic performance, count how many grams of high quality protein you are consuming per day—you might be surprised. And no, you don't need to eat half a cow per sitting, only 15-30g per meal is required.

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